This is a quick video on how you can add the academic calendar to your SUNY Delhi email calendar. First, you'll start off at the SUNY Delhi website, and enter your email through the webmail link at the top toolbar. Once signed in, make sure you are in the New Outlook, as these instructions are specific to this version. Then, you'll go down to the calendar view in the lower left hand corner. Once in the Calendar, you'll select Import Calendar, and then From directory. You'll then type in academiccalendar (one word). For students, you'll select And for faculty and staff, that would be Click to Add And then the academic calendar is now within your email calendar. Of course, you can always turn it off and on by clicking the radio button on the left hand side. And on the three dots to the right, you could always remove it, rename it, or change the colors, if you so choose. If you have any questions, you can direct them to the Help Desk by emailing them at Or calling them at extension 4835.