Evaluation Of Management / Confidential Employees

Management/Confidential employees include college administrative officers and professional staff not in a negotiating unit established pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law.

Campus President

SUNY Policies of the Board of Trustees - (Article IX, Title A, 1. (b)):

At any time during the period of appointment, the SUNY Board of Trustees and the Chancellor may evaluate the services of the chief administrative officer. 

Other Administrative Officers

SUNY Policies of the Board of Trustees does not specifically address evaluation of college administrative officers.  Additional information regarding appointment, service and responsibilities for college administrative officers can be found in the SUNY Policies of the Board of Trustees, Article IX, Title B.

Evaluation Policy for Other Administrative Officers

It shall be the policy of SUNY Delhi to evaluate the performance of other administrative officers as hereinafter provided.

Purposes of Evaluation:

  • Provide a basis for performance improvement;
  • Provide the College President with consultation in decisions regarding discretionary salary increases;
  • Provide criteria by which to recognize and enhance effectiveness and productivity;
  • Ensure College Leadership is adequately supporting and contributing to the success of the Institution and attainment of its overall goals and mission;
  • Assist in determination of retention.

Evaluation Procedure:

The Provost/Chief Academic Officer and other administrative officers with “Vice President” titles will have their performance formally evaluated by their immediate supervisor in writing no less that once every two years (biennially).

All other M/C employees will have their performance formally evaluated by their immediate supervisor in writing once each year.

SUNY Delhi’s M/C Performance Management Program contains five sections:

  • Achievement of the college’s core competencies: Professionalism; Communication; Supervisory Skills, Leadership; Teamwork & Collaboration; Planning, Assessment & Budgeting; Ethics & Integrity. Individuals are ranked on their abilities in each category along with narrative comments.
  • Attainment of Previous Goals and Objectives: Supervisor provides narrative comments regarding the attainment of specific goals and objectives, including strengths and areas of improvement that were established for the evaluation period.
  • Performance Summary: Supervisor provides an overall performance rating for the evaluation period by selecting one of four levels: Exceeds Expectations, Effective and Competent, Minimally Effective, or Does Not Meet Expectations
  • Development Plan identifying specific goals and objectives for the upcoming evaluation period consistent with the college’s strategic plan.
  • Signature of immediate supervisor, senior officer and employee.

The individual being evaluated will also be asked to complete a self-evaluation of their own performance, accomplishments, goals and needs for submission to their supervisor for consideration. 

Office of Admissions

118 Bush Hall