Telecommuting Notices
Telecommuting Notices
SUNY Telecommuting Policy
The SUNY University wide Telecommuting Pilot Policy (SUNY Workplace Flexibility), ending June 30, 2023, has been extended through June 30,2024. Telecommuting arrangements are subject to management discretion, based upon operational needs of the college and are aligned with providing the highest level of service to the campus community.
Employees participating in this program are required to complete biweekly progress logs and submit them to their supervisor in a timely manner. The Office of Human Resources (OHR) will continue to conduct random audits to assure these processes are followed.
Under this new policy, employees will be expected to have a regular in-person presence at the official work location, with no more than 5 workdays per pay period of telecommuting. Interested employees should speak with their immediate supervisor for more information.
The SUNY Workplace Flexibility Application for the Telecommuting Policy and Work Plan are available as an attachment to the policy.