Report Accessibility Barriers

Report Accessibility Barriers Form

ADA barriers can be physical barriers such as missing curb cuts, ramps, or inoperable elevators - or they can be electronic - systems that do not work properly using screen reading software or other assistive technologies.

Please use this form to report any ADA access barriers you encounter, either physical or electronic, such as an inoperative elevator or wheelchair lift, bicycles blocking an access ramp, drifting snow, or inaccessible documents on websites or electronic information in classrooms that are not accessible. The college will remove barriers as quickly as possible.

Use the form below to report barriers. We will attempt to follow up in as timely a manner as the information provided permits.

If you are not satisfied with the response you receive for this barrier report, or if you want to invoke another procedure, you may file a complaint under the college’s Nondiscrimination Policy.