College in High School

College in High School Programs

Culinary Programs

Early College

The Delhi Early College program is available to high school students with access to the SUNY Delhi campus and online courses.

  • Students enroll in a broad array of courses offered on campus or online.
  • Courses are taught by SUNY Delhi faculty.
  • Early College students pay full tuition.

Technical Pathways

Technical Pathways is a partnership program with Delaware Academy Central School District at Delhi (options available for additional school districts). Students complete high school graduation requirements while also completing SUNY Delhi credit courses to obtain a certificate (or the equivalent) in specific academic programs.

  • Students take classes on the SUNY Delhi campus taught by SUNY Delhi faculty.
  • Current programs available in Automotive, Hospitality, Business Management and Information Technology.
  • Tuition is paid by the participating school district.

Students attending an orientation event in the field house