Conditions of Employment

Conditions of Employment

Faculty Employment

It is generally agreed that the faculty member will assume the following obligations:

  • Provide instruction in such courses as assigned by the Program Director or Dean;
  • Provide instruction in such off-site credit courses as may be assigned by the Program Director or Dean;
  • Perform such administrative duties and other duties, as may be delegated by the President;
  • Complete, to the satisfaction of the President, the necessary affidavits and “oaths of office” as required by the State University of New York, including written statements of appraisal by previous employers or associates as required by law;
  • Support the purposes and Policies of the Trustees of State University of New York, the objectives of the college as an employee and representative of the institution, and interpret them faithfully to the students and the public;
  • Pursue a continuing program of professional/academic growth in keeping with a field of specialization and as a member of the faculty.