Professional Growth and Development Guidelines

Professional Growth and Development Guidelines


Under Article XII of the SUNY Policies of the Board of Trustees, five criteria are used to evaluate performance for the promotion of academic employees. These criteria are:

  • Effectiveness in Teaching
  • Mastery of Subject Matter
  • Scholarly Ability
  • Effectiveness of University Service
  • Continuing Growth

The college's Professional Growth and Development Program seeks to assist faculty in meeting their professional responsibility under each of these criteria. To this end, the college provides both formal and informal activities.

The formal system, which includes alternative activities directly related to reappointment and promotion in academic rank, is governed by the Faculty Annual Report/Performance Program (FARPP). Activities including in-service workshops, degree programs and course work, and sabbatical and summer work experiences are awarded recognition and are considered in appropriate  personnel decisions. The effectiveness of each faculty member's plan is determined by the college's evaluation system. That system includes information provided by the school deans/library director through classroom visitations and faculty consultation, by students through evaluation of instruction, and by the individual faculty member through self-appraisal, and through evaluation by alumni, peers, or professionals in the field.

The responsibility for the initiation of an acceptable FARPP is the obligation of each faculty member. The college, while providing several alternative opportunities from which a program can be developed, is not responsible for providing all the activities for professional growth and development. The college does recognize its inherent responsibility to provide a common experience and set of general activities for the benefit of all instructors.


The intent of the FARPP is to place the faculty member’s Professional Growth and Development Program into a framework, define its components, and promote an understanding of the development activities available to faculty. It also provides each faculty member with the guidelines necessary for pursuing his/her performance program in a systematic fashion.

The objectives of the FARPP are:

  • To promote an institutional framework of opportunity and stimulation to improve the professional capabilities of faculty in the areas of instruction, academic achievement, and service to the university.
  • To establish the administrative policies and procedures necessary for monitoring and rewarding the developmental efforts of the faculty.

The Professional Growth and Development Program consists of three major categories - instructional  improvement, academic achievement, and university service. Within each category are a number of recognized faculty development activities, which are available to the faculty and can be incorporated in their Performance Programs.

Faculty Annual Report and Performance Program (FARPP)

The FARPP is an instrument that a faculty member uses to establish an annual program of professional contribution, growth, and development. The program provides each faculty member the opportunity to develop an individualized professional growth program within the context of their interests and strengths, and the goals of the college and school/department. The program is completed by the faculty member in conjunction with the school dean/library director. There must be mutual agreement on a plan for it to be accepted, though, once accepted, it can be modified or amended through consultation during the course of the year. The document is used for academic planning and as a primary source of information for the improvement of teaching and the assessment of performance.

Faculty Annual Report and Performance Program (FARPP) fillable form (pdf)

FARPP's will be submitted by faculty annually. New faculty will be advised by their department chair/dean for the first year of employment. Faculty members are responsible for reporting the progress of their approved programs throughout the effective period. An annual review of the program  and  accomplishments will be conducted by the  faculty member and the school dean/library director. Each program is also review by the provost.

University Governance and Service Activities

University governance and service activities afford the faculty numerous and varied opportunities to participate in the life of the college. These activities, so important to the vitality and growth of the institution and the individual, are recognized by inclusion of the FARPP completed each year by the faculty and are appropriately considered in decisions concerning reappointment and promotion in rank.