After Travel

After Travel

A Travel Voucher AC132-S should be submitted within 10 days upon returning from your trip, but must be submitted within 30 days if you are requesting reimbursement or if any charges were applied to a State-Issued NET/Travel Card.

Complete & Submit a Travel Voucher AC132-S

All expenses must be recorded and attached to a completed Travel Voucher AC132-S. A completed and signed Travel Voucher AC132-S can be sent via mail to the Purchasing and Accounts Payable office or emailed to If the expenses incurred while traveling are more than what was authorized on the Travel Request, the appropriate funding source administrator must provide written notification approving additional funding for reimbursement. Please note we cannot reimburse a traveler for someone else’s travel costs.

A traveler submitting forms for reimbursement that are complete and accurate can expect a turnaround time of approximately 14 business days; the traveler, supervisor, and account administrator(s) of the authorized funding source(s) will be notified via email if any changes to the expected reimbursement occur, with an explanation of the changes. All Travel Vouchers that are missing any required documentation will be returned to the traveler which will cause a delay in your reimbursement. By making sure the following relevant items are attached, you can help expedite your reimbursement.

Please note that we cannot reimburse a traveler for someone else’s travel costs. Also, if the expenses incurred while traveling are more than what was authorized on the Travel Request, the appropriate funding source administrator must provide written notification approving additional funding for reimbursement.

Submitted with the Travel Voucher AC132-S should be…

  • Event program/agenda/invitation or schedule of events
  • Conference/event registration receipt
  • Your lodging receipt (showing a zero dollar balance due)
  • Airfare receipt (or travel agency printout), eticket, and baggage receipts (Originals)
  • Rental car receipt, Amtrak receipt(s), taxi/uber/lyft receipt(s), bus receipt(s) (Originals)
  • A Statement of Automobile Travel Form (if you used your personal car)
  • Google Maps or MapQuest directions (if you used your personal car)
  • A completed Car Rental Calculator worksheet (if using a personal vehicle over 100 miles)
  • Signed student roster (if traveling with students)
  • Itemized meal receipts for Day Trip meals and NET/Travel Card expenses (Originals)
  • Toll receipts, parking receipts, gas receipts (Originals)
  • Any other receipts for costs incurred during your trip (Originals)
  • Completed Declaration of Missing Receipt Form for each required receipt, if it was lost

Completing the Travel Voucher AC132-S

Please be sure to complete all of the fields on the Travel Voucher AC132-S and acquire the authorized signatures before submitting the form to the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office. Please call extension 4500 if you have any questions.