Chi Alpha Epsilon
Founded at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Chi Alpha Epsilon was organized in 1989. Responding to an increased need to acknowledge the continuing successes of students in the Academic Development Program and recognizing that students who share similar experiences could serve as significant models for others, a Greek letter honor society was proposed by Dr. Elbert Saddler. Dr. Saddler identified eligible students and alumni to form the nucleus who are now the founding members of XAE.
Chi Alpha Epsilon was formed to recognize the academic achievements of students admitted to colleges and universities through non-traditional criteria. Its purposes are to promote continued high academic standards, to foster increased communication among its members, and to honor academic excellence achieved by those students admitted to college via developmental programs. Programs sponsored by the society encourage other students toward this accomplishment. The honor society also has the potential to be a significant political force in the support of funding for developmental studies nationwide.
Membership in Chi Alpha Epsilon is offered through local campus chapters to eligible students and alumni. Full-time students who hold a 3.0 cumulative G.P.A. for two consecutive semesters and were admitted to the college via developmental or higher education opportunity types of programs are eligible for membership.