Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum Committee, a standing committee of the College Senate, meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. Faculty who want to submit a proposal to the Curriculum Committee should review the Procedures for Curriculum Development and Revision.
Curriculog: Curriculog is the curricular workflow system that follows the university curricular approval procedures. This automated system is used to create, modify, or deactivate courses and programs. Any planned changes to any curriculum should be conducted through this site. SUNY Delhi faculty and staff can access Curriculog.
Curriculog Guides: For assistance with Curriculog please see the following guides:
- Overview Guide (pdf)
- Overview Guide video (YouTube Link)
- Voting and Approval in Curriculog video (YouTube Link)
- Agendas in Curriculog (pdf)
For more in depth help on the various proposal types, please see the instructions in Curriculog or watch one of the videos below:
- New Course Guide video (YouTube Link)
- Course Change video (YouTube Link)
- New Program video (YouTube Link)
- Program Changes video (YouTube Link)
Comprehensive Curriculog Training Session Video: This longer video is a recording of a training session where all details of navigating Curriculog is covered
Procedure for presenting curricular changes (pdf) for presenting curricular changes includes new courses, new programs, program changes and changes to existing courses. Please review procedures for instructions and guidance. If you have any questions, please email Lars Schweidenback at Revised February 2023.
General Education Information (pdf) - Information on the new GE requirements and instructions to complete the GE programs' changes form. Revised June 2023.
Pilot Course Approval Form (docx) Revised November 2019.
2024-2025 Curriculum Committee Meeting Dates:
October 1, 2024
November 5, 2024
December 3, 2024
February 4, 2025
March 4, 2025
April 1, 2025
May 6, 2025
June. TBC
Dates are subject to change.
The Curriculum Committee will meet via Zoom for the fall and spring semesters.