Catskill Hall and Riverview Townhouses
Information for Catskill Hall and Riverview Townhouses
Room Selection Process for Catskill Hall and Riverview Townhouses:
- Supplemental Applications for Riverview Townhouses or Catskill Hall are due by Monday, March 21, 2022.
- If you need a supplemental application, you can either email reslife@delhi.edu to request an application, or stop by the Office of Residence Life in Catskill Hall, Room 111 to pick up an application to live in Catskill Hall or Riverview Townhouses.
- The Office of Residence Life will have assignments posted for Catskill Hall and Riverview Townhouses by Friday, April 1, 2022.
Additional Instructions for Catskill Hall
Catskill Hall is an upper division Residence Hall. The Office of Residence Life assigns students to suites; you will not be able to select a specific room or suite. In addition to completing the online housing agreement, students interested in living in Catskill Hall must also:
- Select that you are interested in Catskill Hall on the housing agreement.
- Either email reslife@delhi.edu to request an application, or stop by the Office of Residence Life in Catskill Hall, Room 111 to pick up an application to live in Catskill Hall. You will complete and turn in a Catskill Hall Supplemental Application form at the Office of Residence Life, 111 Catskill Hall by Monday, March 21, 2022. If you have friends you would like to live in the same suite, you all need to fill out the same form - just one form for the whole group. If you do not have anyone with whom you would like to live, you must still complete this form so we know if you are interested in a double or single room.
- Three days after you submit your application, pick it up from the Office of Residence Life to see if it was approved. If approved, move to step 4, if not approved, resubmit the application as many times as you need to have it approved until Monday, March 21, 2022. No applications will be accepted after this point.
- Participate in room selection for Catskill Hall on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at 6 p.m. in the Okun Theatre. (Please note that only one member of the group will be allowed to be in attendance at room selection with the group’s approved application.) Groups will be able to select a suite based on their lottery number assigned to them.
Due to the high interest in Catskill Hall, we anticipate that not all groups with completed applications will have space available for them.
If you are not assigned a room in Catskill Hall, see the FAQ titled “What if I don’t like any of the open spots available when it’s my turn to pick?”
Additional Instructions for Riverview Townhouses
Riverview Townhouses are an upper division community located next to Price Chopper. Riverview residents are part of the general Delhi community. Living in Riverview Townhouses is a privilege and residents are held to high standards of behavior. Applicants must have demonstrated that they are able to live independently and peaceably in a community of their peers. To be eligible to live in Riverview, you must meet a combination of the following standards:
- Be a continuing student and have at least 15 earned academic credits as of the end of the Fall 2021 semester, or be an eligible international or transfer student;
- Have at least a 2.50 cumulative grade point average (GPA);
- Be in good academic standing with the college;
- Have no significant judicial history.
Like all other students applying for on-campus housing for 2022-23, students interested in living in Riverview Townhouses must submit their $100 deposit to Student Financial Services (or obtain a waiver) and complete an online housing agreement and request form by the published deadlines. In addition, they must:
- Select that they are interested in Riverview Townhouses on the housing agreement.
- Either email reslife@delhi.edu to request an application, or stop by the Office of Residence Life in Catskill Hall, Room 111 to pick up an application to live in Riverview Townhouses. You will complete and turn in a Riverview Townhouses Supplemental Application form at the Office of Residence Life, 111 Catskill Hall by Monday, March 21, 2022. If you have friends you would like to live with in the same townhouse, you all need to fill out the same form - just one form for the whole group. If you do not have anyone with whom you would like to live, you must still complete this form so we know if you are interested in a double or single room.
We will check the judicial standing of anyone applying for Riverview to determine if they fulfill all of the requirements. If it is determined that one member of the group is not eligible for Riverview, the entire group will be notified through campus email that their application has been rejected.
If you are assigned to Riverview, you will see your assignment on HMS by Friday, April 1, 2022.
If you are not assigned a room in Riverview Townhouses, see the FAQ titled “What if I don’t like any of the open spots available when it’s my turn to pick?”
Living Learning Communities and Special Interest Housing
at Riverview Townhouses
Co-ed Townhouse
A group of 8 or 10 students may apply to live in a townhouse that is co-ed. Double rooms can be selected as gender neutral (any genders may live together). Groups interested in the co-ed option should contact the Office of Residence Life for an additional form to fill out.
Residents applying for a co-ed townhouse should submit the supplemental application by Monday, March 14. You will be notified by email by Wednesday, March 16, whether your group is selected for a coed townhouse. If you are not selected, you can reapply for a single gender townhouse by March 21.
Veterinary Science Townhouses
These townhouses are for Veterinary Science majors only and can be formed in groups of 10 as coed or single gender townhouses. If the group is coed, refer to the instructions above in addition to this section. Those living in these designated townhouses, with prior approval of the Director of Riverview Townhouses, may have pets (excluding cats, dogs, birds, and snakes; other animals may be excluded at the discretion of housing staff). Additional policies will apply and are available in the Office of Residence Life, 111 Catskill Hall.
What is your special interest?
Do you have a group of students in the same major or with a common interest that would all like to live together in a group? Contact the Associate Director of Residence Life for more information.

Catskill Hall is an upper division Residence Hall available to continuing students, transfer students, and incoming international students. To be eligible to live in Catskill, you must have at least 15 earned academic credits and no significant judicial history.
Read More About Catskill Hall >
Gerry Hall was the first residence hall built at SUNY Delhi. The building is named after Angelica L. Gerry of Lake Delaware, NY, an individual who had shown great generosity to SUNY Delhi for many years. Gerry is pronounced with a hard "g" sound, not a "j" sound.
Read More About Gerry Hall >
DuBois Hall is named after the second President of SUNY Delhi, who served from 1917 to 1929, and it is pronounced "doo-boys." DuBois Hall houses 235 students in an L-shaped building. Student rooms are located along both sides of long corridor hallways.
Read More About DuBois Hall >
Murphy Hall is the sister building to O'Connor Hall. It is a four-story residence hall with a large lounge in the center of the building. Student rooms are located along the corridors with four common bathrooms and shower facilities per floor.
Read More About Murphy Hall >
The name of the building is from a local family that has been very generous in their support of SUNY Delhi. The same family runs the "O'Connor Foundation," which is a philanthropic endowment that benefits the residents of Delaware County, NY.
Read More About O'Connor Hall >
Russell Hall is the largest residence hall at SUNY Delhi, housing approximately twice as many students as any of the other halls. Despite its overall size, there are small, close-knit environments on each floor
Read More About Russell Hall >