Internal Controls

Internal controls are the integration of the activities, plans, attitudes, policies and efforts of the people of an organization working together to provide reasonable assurance that we will achieve our institutional goals and mission. Internal controls extend beyond the business and finance office, spreading throughout our organization, permeating all departments and functions at SUNY Delhi. Consistent with the New York State Governmental Accountability, Audit and Internal Controls Act of 1987 that formalizes commitment to efficient and effective business practices, quality services, and ethics in the operations of NYS government agencies, SUNY Delhi has adopted an Internal Controls program designed to promote adherence to this legislation.

Every employee is important to the success of our Internal Controls program: by rigorously following policies and procedures and successfully fulfilling our duties and responsibilities established in job descriptions and meeting performance standards; by taking all reasonable steps to safeguard assets against waste, loss, and unauthorized use; and by attending training to increase understanding of internal controls and reporting Internal Controls breakdowns.

For more information about SUNY Delhi’s Internal Controls program, please visit SUNY Delhi's Internal Controls web page or contact our Internal Controls Coordinator at 607-746-4585 or the Internal Controls Officer at 607-746-4580.


Office of Admissions

118 Bush Hall