Internal Promotion Policy for Professional Staff

Internal Promotion Policy for Professional Staff

Policy Statement

SUNY Delhi has established the following procedures as the principal method of providing promotional opportunities for professional employees represented by United University Professions (UUP)*.  The college recognizes the need for an internal career development program and the need to provide equal opportunity and to promote affirmative action.  The college will first give consideration to internal candidates before considering external applicants.

Inclusion of Employees in Other Bargaining Units

Notices of professional vacancies will be disseminated to all campus employees via Delhi Today. Applications made by UUP-represented employees will be considered before those of other internal candidates.  The candidacy of other campus employees will be considered next.  Finally, external applicants will be considered.


As a professional position becomes available in the Professional Services Negotiating Unit (UUP), it shall be reviewed to ensure proper classification and organizational assignment.  Upon approval to fill the resulting vacancy:

  • SUNY Delhi retrenched employees will receive special consideration for the position in accordance with Article 35 of the Agreement between the State of New York and United University Professions.
  • The Office of Human Resources/Affirmative Action will notify all professional employees via Delhi Today when a professional vacancy in the negotiating unit occurs. In order to be eligible to receive first consideration, campus UUP employees must submit their application materials within ten calendar days of the date of the Delhi Today announcement.
  • The vacancy notice will contain the campus title, budget title, a brief position description, the salary level and a realistic estimated salary range, the title of the position’s supervisor, the reason for the vacancy and the required and desired qualifications (if applicable).
  • An employee interested in being considered for the vacancy must submit a letter of interest and a resume to the Office of Human Resources/Affirmative Action within the ten-calendar-day period via Interview Exchange. Internal applications will be brought to the attention of the appointing authority for the vacant position for a determination as to whether the applicants meet the qualifications of the position.
  • All qualified SUNY Delhi professional employees who apply for a vacancy within the ten-calendar-day period must be given first consideration. Employees represented by other bargaining units are then considered. Lastly, applications from external applicants are given consideration. 
  • If the application of any employee is received after the internal application period, it shall be considered with all other applications received.
  • The appointing authority may take one of three actions with regard to the applications:
    • Find an applicant highly qualified and recommend appointment.
    • Find the applicant(s) qualified to be considered along with off-campus applicants.
    • Find the internal applicants(s) unqualified and make a selection from among off-campus external applicants.

*Temporary employees and adjunct instructors who were not hired through an open search process are considered external candidates under the Internal Promotion Policy.